The glute bridge is a movement that involves lifting your hips and is one of the best strength training exercises for perfect and well-rounded glutes. Experience all this exercise has to offer with our Booty program!
How to do a glute bridge the right way
The glute bridge is a pretty easy strength training exercise and works several muscles synergistically. If you want to be sure you’re doing it right and keeping back injury at bay, follow these instructions. Here are the key steps to doing the perfect glute bridge:
- Lying face-up on the floor, put your arms at your sides. Bend your knees to position your feet about eight inches from your glutes. Keep your feet, back and head flat on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. You’re now ready to begin the exercise.
- Lift your hips as high as possible as you contract the muscles until knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line. Hold this position for at least one second. You’ll start to feel your glutes working.
- Control the movement as you lower your hips. Once you’ve returned to the starting position, continue the set with another rep.

Mistakes to avoid and tips from the FizzUp trainer
The glute bridge is a really effective strength training exercise for working deeper gluteal muscles and getting the perfect butt. For maximum results and comfort, make sure not to fall into the trap of these common mistakes. Remember that your feet shouldn’t be too far from your glutes and that your hips shouldn’t touch the floor between each rep. Check out these tips from FizzUp to ensure you’re using the perfect technique:
- Focus on your breathing: Exhale as you lift your glutes and inhale as you lower them. This makes it easier to divide the movement into two stages and get a better feel for it.
- Take your time: By doing the exercise slowly, you’ll be able to better control how you lift and release your hips and really feel your muscles working. It’s a good way to guarantee that you’re doing the movement right and contracting the correct the muscles.
- Do the entire movement: When you lift up your hips, your knees, hips and shoulders should form a straight line. Don’t release before reaching this position. This is when your glutes and abs are working the hardest.
Which muscles does a glute bridge work
By regularly doing glute bridges, you’ll work your deeper gluteal muscles. But which muscles are you working exactly?
- Gluteal muscles: More specifically the gluteus maximus. It’s the large muscle that covers the other gluteal muscles and makes up the surface. Once this muscle has been built up, it gives off a nicely rounded effect.
- Hamstrings: These muscles behind the thighs are worked just as much as the glutes, especially as you lift your hips.
- Quads: They’re the other thigh muscles that you’ll work when doing this exercise.
- Abs: With this strength training exercise, you also work your abs. They help you hold the position and resist the force exerted when you lift your body weight.

The glute bridge and its variations for a great behind
FizzUp fitness training adapts to suit your physical potential and current fitness level. That’s why each exercise has several different variations. Each one of them has a different level of difficulty, which allows you to adjust your workouts as you physically and athletically progress.
- Decline glute bridges: As the name suggests, this is a traditional glute bridge with your feet raised on a chair or similar surface. This raised position makes the exercise more difficult and gives you a wider range of movement because you have to raise your hips higher.
- Single-leg decline glute bridges: With this variation, you’ll step the difficulty up a notch. The idea is the same, except that only one of your legs stays bent while raised. The other is lifted and follows your hip movement.
The glute bridge: The best exercise for perfect glutes
Now you know why the glute bridge exercise is perfect for toning your legs and getting nicely rounded glutes. It targets several muscles at the same time and you can use its variations to customize your workout according to your current fitness level. Give them a try in one of FizzUp’s programs and remember that the effectiveness of this exercise depends on your technique, so make sure you’re doing it correctly.
Take action now and start our Booty program now for a better butt!