What Are the Benefits of Fitness After 50?

One of the main causes of death is cardiovascular disease, followed by cancer. There’s no magic way to lower these risks, but there IS a possibility that people over 50 don’t realize. Fitness after 50 can save your life, even if you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle until now. Besides doing something good for your health, you’ll also improve your physical fitness and physique. Vitality isn’t just for younger people! FizzUp fitness training, the only online fitness training service recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, tells you how to make progress and feel as good in your own body as you did when you were younger.

How to get started with fitness after 50

No one’s too old to take better care of their health. Better late than never. Get back the motivation to work out even after your 40s to improve your athletic performance and current fitness level by making athletic progress.

Forget about the hassles

Exercising doesn’t mean you have to go through long hours of pain and suffering to get results that are barely noticeable. Most importantly, your workout should be the opportunity for you focus on no one but yourself. Remember that for years, exercise has been proven to have positive effects on your mood. It helps you look on the bright side of life because it boosts the secretion of hormones that positively affect your happiness. Serotonin soothes anxiety and creates a feeling of relaxation. Exercise is also a good way to help you feel less tired. No, really! A far cry from making you feel more tired, it fights fatigue by triggering endorphin secretion. This hormone acts as a natural stimulant.

Now you can adapt your physical activity to your schedule so that you can exercise without any hassles. It comes to you through our app. All you have to do is log in on your computer, tablet or smartphone to reconnect with the pleasures of fitness! FizzUp is an online fitness trainer that makes it possible for you to work out at home for free and without any equipment. Just follow the trainer’s movements on your smartphone, tablet or computer!

Which sport should you choose?

To see a real change in your body and improvement in your health, you should choose a sport that gently works your joints and cardiovascular endurance. For instance, avoid playing soccer and tennis because these sports abruptly increase your heart rate. They can also trigger breathlessness so intense that you start to feel dizzy. Forget about injuries and other unpleasant side effects. Most importantly, fitness should be something you enjoy that’s good for your wellness. Strength training and cardio exercises using your bodyweight actually enable you to effectively tone your muscles and maintain your cardiovascular health. You’ll lower your risk of back, hip and even knee pain. Building muscle using your body weight gently works your muscles and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. It helps you get back your good posture and corrects shoulders that are rounded forward, which is a posture that is caused by sitting for long periods of time.

The FizzUp trainer creates a personalized fitness training program for you, giving you equipment-free exercises that you can do right at home with workouts that only last 20 minutes. By doing three workouts a week, you’ll quickly feel your breathing, strength, balance and reactivity improve during exercise. You’ll also transform your body. Your legs will feel less heavy and your arms will become more toned. The Cal Burner Add-on that comes with FizzUp PRO helps you build your resistance and endurance. Why not be physically active when it’s so beneficial for your health?

The FizzUp PRO program also includes the Stretching Add-on, which is great if you want to keep your joints flexible. Finish your workout with some easy stretches for a peaceful return to rest. You’ll eliminate any stiffness in your limbs and relax your muscles.

If you need more detailed advice and 100% personalized guidance, you can also get the Premium Motivation Package, which you can use to contact your FizzUp Expert. Ask them any questions you have and send in a video of you doing an exercise. They’ll help you perfect your technique so that you can get the most out of your exercises.

Before you put your heart and soul into fitness, be sure to talk to your doctor as well as a cardiologist to make sure that your body is ready for exercise.

What about the progress I’ll make in my body?

Did you know that your muscles are the main signs of aging? The more you keep your muscles active, the younger you’ll look! That’s why you shouldn’t keep using age as an excuse to not maintain your health. Even after 50, you can still enjoy the benefits of being physically active on a regular basis.


Advantage #1: Grow older in good health

The main reason that should encourage you to continue or start a physical activity is your health. It has been proven that a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of deadly diseases and speeds up physical degradation as you age. In 2001, researchers at Yale University in the United States studied the impact that exercise can have on older people’s lifestyles. They were able to prove that moderate physical activity helped protect them from some serious diseases such as coronary artery diseases, breast cancer and type 2 diabetes. Besides helping prevent these diseases, exercise helps older people be less prone to fractures due to a lack of balance or bone loss, which can be corrected by physical activity that’s right for you, and also helps fight against being overweight, which is a sign of generally poor health. That’s why fitness after 50 makes it easier to grow older and be at the top of your game, while being less prone to the minor injuries that come with aging.

Another study conducted in England in 2013 with 3,454 participants 68 years of age has shown that physical activity is associated with a longer life, even for those who became physically active later in life. So there IS something good about getting into fitness after 50!

Advantage #2: Stay strong

To give you yet another reason to work out after 50, exercise helps keep a certain amount of strength in your muscles, which some people start to lack as they get older. In everyday life, this can be a real hindrance that forces you to rely on your friends, family and others. Pushing your shopping cart, lifting your grocery bags and doing your housework become tasks that are increasingly difficult. By sticking with a physical activity to stay in shape like FizzUp’s, you’ll keep your muscles toned. When you do equipment-free bodyweight exercises regularly throughout the week, you’ll easily maintain your physical fitness without leaving the house. You’ll feel better in your body and be more confident in your everyday life.

Advantage #3: Keep your memory sharp

People’s memories tend to fade as the years go by, but luckily, exercise also strengthens your brain! A recent American study wanted to show the link between cardiorespiratory fitness and episodic memory. Participants went through testing to evaluate their peak VO2 and neuropsychological testing to assess their cognition. Results showed that there’s a link between fitness exercises and episodic memory. So there’s less cognitive decline when you do a physical activity that helps you maintain healthy respiratory and cardiovascular endurance. Using the Cal Burner Add-on with FizzUp PRO, you can improve these abilities to take better care of your brain.

Advantage #4: Get into healthy habits

Fitness after 50 has many advantages for your health, two of which are less visible but are just as important. By doing exercises in sets or ones that require you to hold different positions, you’ll improve your balance and agility. These skills are often overlooked but become important allies as you get older. If you lack balance and/or agility, you actually run a higher risk of falling or injuring yourself. The sooner you maintain your balance and agility, the easier it will be to grow older.

Don’t throw in the towel. Fitness after 50 is something anyone can do when it takes your abilities and needs into account, just like your FizzUp workout program. The FizzUp trainer will guide you step-by-step to help you get all these advantages and care more for your health. Try it now!

Further reading

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