FizzUp Users Review the Muscle and Sculpt Programs

The sequels to our best-selling workout programs Muscle and Sculpt are out now! To celebrate the occasion, we wanted to give some of our users to floor to share their feedback on their experience with these routines. They know better than anyone why these programs do them so much good!

Thousands of users are already sold

What makes these programs so popular? The reason is simple. We know exactly how to bring our users effective workout content they’re going to love! Here’s a quick rundown of the perks of these programs that have already won over thousands of FizzUp users:

  • A wide range of exercises: These programs bring you several variations of key exercises that zero in on entire muscle areas and work them in different ways.
  • A motivating variety of workouts: We’ve designed each session to be unique in order to guarantee that you’ll never get bored and stay motivated enough to stick to your program.
  • Multiple training protocols: The number of circuits, rest lengths and training protocols constantly change throughout the program. Just another way we keep monotony at bay, spice up your workouts and motivate you to keep going.
  • Artificial intelligence: The feedback you give after your workout allows the program to automatically adjust the training protocol and the number of repetitions to match your athletic potential as closely as possible. That’s how we promise you’ll never get a workout that’s too easy or too hard!

Our users’ feedback

Jordan, 23

“I’m a work-study student in app development. I was part of a soccer club when I was a kid, but then I quit going and only played sports (mostly soccer) at school or with my friends on the weekends.

I work during the day, so I can use part of my lunch break to do my program, which gives me an energy boost for the rest of the day! But when I’m in class, it’s not as easy so I have to find time at night to do my workout.

I do my workouts for the most part during the week. Right now I’m doing the Muscle program because I want to gain mass. It looked like a challenging routine but something I could still do. I started seeing results pretty quickly thanks to the twist crunches exercise (my favorite). I have to say that wide-grip push-ups are hard for me, but they work my pecs so I keep doing them!

After three weeks of working out with this program, I noticed that I’ve gotten stronger. I had a hard time doing the exercises at first, but the more I did them, the more I could feel my arms getting stronger and my muscles getting more toned. I just weighed myself and I gained 11 lb (5 kg) of muscle in two months thanks to FizzUp! That’s never happened to me before! After two weeks, I was already seeing results! Now I’m going to keep going with the Push program so that I can perfect my push-up technique.”

Anne-Lise, 25

“I’ve never been that athletic. I work in textiles. I’m in a relationship and love to sew. A year and a half ago I decided to join a gym but stopped going after a year. I realized that the gym was too expensive for the three workouts I did a week!

I work from 9 am to 6 pm and using a fitness app after work seemed like the best option. Then I came across FizzUp and randomly chose the Sculpt program. I wanted to try a program that lasted a few weeks and would get me moving.

It wasn’t long before I realized that working out made me feel great. I’m always happy to do my workout even if it only takes 15 minutes. Some people might say that’s not much, but I’m proud of myself because I manage to work out regularly. I’ve never given up and my motivation has stayed high, unlike when I was going to the gym, which I’m sure is because of the fact that the workouts are short so I only ended up spending a tiny bit of my day doing it.

My favorite thing about Sculpt is the squats! It’s an easy exercise that works my thighs and glutes. But I’m not a huge fan of abs exercises that require a lot of balance. That’s why I’m going to keep going with a program that improves my stability and flexibility. Or maybe I’ll start another program like Sculpt to keep going with my strength training.”

Ready to give our Sculpt and Muscle programs a shot? Start part 1 or part 2 of these workout routines to give your body confidence a boost now!

Further reading

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