Should You Work Out With Sore Muscles?

Starting to feel the aftermath of your FizzUp workout earlier than you were expecting? Darn! Your next workout day is already here, but you haven’t yet totally recovered from the last one and you still have sore muscles. What should you do when this happens? Should you work up the motivation to work out with sore muscles? Or is it better to give your body an extra rest day? Here are the tips from the FizzUp trainer on what you should do when you have sore muscles.

What causes sore muscles?


“Sore muscles” implies the pain and stiffness in the muscles that you may experience after intense physical exertion or working out after a period of inactivity. But don’t confuse the soreness you feel in your muscles after exercise with the pain you feel during exercise. That pain may be due to cramps or lactic acid that spreads within the muscle. Sore muscles are due to micro-lensions or muscle micro-tears. But don’t panic! This is a natural part of the training process. When you work out, you put stress your muscles and your muscle fibers break as you do reps of an exercise. These micro-tears are what cause the pain you feel when you have sore muscles.

Is it a good idea or a bad idea to work out with sore muscles?

Sometimes your sore muscles can hurt pretty badly. So badly in fact, that you can’t do the exercises in your FizzUp program correctly. In this case, it’s better to wait and do your workout the next day. Don’t forget, rest helps you progress. So fight the fire with fire!

You guessed it: your trainer recommends working up the motivation to open your app, no matter how your muscles are feeling. Sore muscles aren’t necessarily a sign that you didn’t do an exercise correctly or that you’re not recovering properly. You may continue to experience pain even though your muscles have properly recovered. Your workout is not only beneficial for your progress, but also for your wellness. As you work out, you get the blood flowing through your muscles. This action helps relieve pain more quickly.

Your FizzUp trainer’s tip is simple: when you have sore muscles, change up your workout so that you can still move without forcing your body. This will speed up your recovery. Do your workout without activating the Cal Burner or Six-Pack Add-on*. The basic workout will do, this one time!

As it’s rare to experience muscle soreness from head to toe, supplement your workouts with a Focus*, which can target an area of your body that isn’t sore. For example, muscle soreness in your arms won’t stop you from doing an Abs or Flat Stomach Focus* or a Thighs or Glutes Focus*.

If you experience unusually severe muscle pain, talk to your doctor and refrain from exercising.

Avoid sore muscles with these tips from the FizzUp trainer

“Better safe than sorry.” Here are some tips from the FizzUp trainer to help you avoid sore muscles, or at least give you some relief!

  • Ease back into working out

After you take a long break from working out, don’t fly too close to the sun! Take the time to ease back into working out. Don’t subject your body to physical effort that it’s not used to anymore. Take it one step at a time. Working out too intensely from the get-go will only turn you off from exercise when it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Take your evaluation seriously. Take the time you need to make progress at your own pace; it’s a major key to success when you start your FizzUp fitness training.

  • Don’t forget to warm-up

The FizzUp trainer couldn’t stress this enough: DO. YOUR. WARM. UP. Once you warm up your muscles, they’re more capable of resisting during your workout. Your blood vessels dilate, there’s better blood circulation in your muscles and they become more flexible. The better you prepare them for exercise, the fewer lesions and micro-tears you’ll have. You’ll be much less affected by sore muscles.

  • Try your Stretching Add-on*

Stretch, but don’t do just any kind of stretching! Your Stretching Add-on* should be a peaceful return to rest after your workout. You shouldn’t have to force yourself and try to make your muscles more flexible. That’s one of the worst things you could do! In fact, during your workout, you were causing micro-lesions and micro-tears in your muscles. Now when you stretch your muscle, you might just make these lesions bigger.

So concentrate on your breathing. Relax by releasing muscle tension. If you want to have better recovery, stretching should be gentle, not forced.

  • Eat accordingly

It’s no secret: you are what you eat! Give your body the energy it needs to recover. Remember to nourish it with so-called “nutrient-dense” calories. Eat foods that will give you nutrients and micronutrients in addition to calories, which will give your body the fuel it needs to guarantee optimal recovery. And of course, don’t forget to get enough protein in your daily diet when you work out.

  • Drink!

Just another reason to make water your best friend. Drinking water helps your body keep your muscles hydrated. And well-hydrated muscles are happy muscles! Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to use these FizzUp tips to stay hydrated.

  • Relax your muscles with a warm bath

Still have sore muscles even though you’ve tried all these tips? Don’t panic! This is a perfect excuse to have some time to yourself and relax. Take a warm bath (or a hot shower if you don’t have a bathtub). To keep your body at 98.6°F (or 37°C) and prevent overheating, your body will speed up your blood circulation and direct it to the muscles in your arms and legs. This is how your muscles can get their fill of oxygen with this extra blood flow.

With these tips from the FizzUp trainer and regular fitness training, sore muscles are just a thing of the past. So, what are you waiting for? Start your workout now!

*FizzUp PRO features

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