Let 2019 Be Your Year to Set Change In Motion

Making New Year’s resolutions is an aged tradition that started around 600 BC with the Babylonians during classical antiquity. They promised their gods that they would repay their debts and return the objects they had borrowed so that they could start the year with a clean slate. This custom has been passed down through the centuries and drives us every year to set change in motion. But do you know the 10 changes that will actually revolutionize your life?

Start living a healthier lifestyle

At FizzUp, it’s our job to help you use exercise to live a better life. But optimal health doesn’t just depend on physical activity. There are many habits and addictions that can tarnish the good deeds you think are “healthy.” Stress, a lack of sleep, alcohol, smoking and too much screen time should all be on your blacklist of things to watch out for.

Going on a week-long digital detox will do you an amazing amount of good and it’ll remind you how stimulating real life actually is. By giving up your mobile devices, say goodbye to the excuse, “I don’t have time,” because putting them down can free up a tremendous amount of it… over 14 hours a week! National Day of Unplugging is on March 1, 2019. Will this be your day to do your digital detox?

Have a long-term plan

Today’s society encourages us to live in the now, but don’t forget that you’re in charge of your own destiny! Thinking ahead enables you to make the most of the present, because day after day, you’ll be paving the road toward your own success. The best way to utilize the present is to build your future starting now. What incredible feat do you want to achieve in the next 10 years?

Stop being a people-pleaser

If you spend all your time trying to make everyone else happy, you risk hurting your relationships and losing touch with who you really are. A fulfilling relationship is built on accepting the other person for who they are, whether that person is a friend, family member or just yourself.

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So live authentically and accept your true self to be who you really are. Do you know the personality trait that best describes you?

Let go of perfectionism

Once and for all, let’s classify perfectionism as a weakness. Perfectionism slows down action, making it the true enemy of proactivity! Perfectionism is an unrealistic standard because, by definition, perfection does not exist.

When you lower the bar, you’ll free yourself from frustration by letting go of this unattainable ideal. Come to terms with what you have and who you are, because you’re exceptional, amazing and unique. Keep repeating this to yourself every day!

Stop believing in miracles

I hope I’m not the first to tell you, but like Santa Clause, there’s no such thing as miracles. With this in mind, don’t bank on your dreams making themselves come true. It’s you and only you who has the ability to turn them into a reality. Nothing’s impossible for those who give themselves the means to accomplish their ambitions.

Waiting for a miracle to happen distances you from the real word and weakens your will to take action and set change in motion. Here’s our challenge for you: do you think you could stop trying to win the lottery in 2019?

Put an end to multitasking

Multitasking is the worst thing you can do if your goal is to forge ahead. If you’ve set a specific goal for the year, then focus on that and go all out to reach it. This rule applies to anything. Move forward step by step and always finish one task before starting another. Seeing through the changes you set in motion and staying fixated on your goal will bring about results.

Whenever you want to start something new, say this: “I first need to finish what I started.”

On a side note, I’m saying the exact same thing to myself as I write this…

Set your prejudices aside

With a standardized view of the world, when we assume, we cease to interact and broaden our knowledge. We must learn to look at the world differently and to put our prejudices and assumptions aside. We should yearn to discover more about others, our surroundings and ourselves without any filters. With this mindset, your personal development is endless and you’ll experience an incredible level of self-fulfillment.

The next time you want to respond to something without thinking, take a step back and ask yourself this question: “How would I react if I knew more than I know now?”

Stop being a control freak

The act of controlling is a protective process, which completely impairs our ability to adapt and our thirst for discovery. If you like surprises, then let yourself be surprised. Surprises are everywhere, but especially someplace else. At least, they’re where we least expect them because they must be out of our control in order for them to be a surprise!

Letting yourself be caught by surprise is to accept that others are beyond your control. This can lead you to experience something new, unforeseen and unplanned.

Are you going on vacation soon? Then improvise. Don’t plan out every activity and every outing. Explore and let yourself be caught off guard. It’ll only make your adventure all the more memorable!

Avoid toxic people

Scientists at Harvard University have been studying the key to happiness, and it’s not money or fame. It’s the relationships we cultivate with others that fill us with joy, but these need to be high-quality relationships! If you were to list everyone you know, we want you to cross off every person that makes you sad or uncomfortable. But think about each one carefully before you do, because the ones who get you out of your comfort zone are the ones who encourage you and raise you up. These are high-quality people.

The quality of your relationships depends on how much you enjoy the company of the other person and their ability to bring out the best in you. Do any names come to mind?

Stop making excuses for yourself

This is called “playing the victim.” Yes, excuses like, “I can’t do it” or “It’s too hard” are easy to make, but they’re wrong! Start by telling yourself that you absolutely CAN do it.

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Some men and women have gone around the world walking, sailing, cycling and even swimming. The only thing that makes them different from you is that they said to themselves, “I can do this.” What amazing thing are you going to accomplish this year?

So make 2019 your year initiate change, but not with your traditional New Year’s resolutions! Your change has to come from deep within. It’s time to break the chains that are holding you back from your own success. Nothing’s impossible because what’s impossible is simply something you haven’t done yet. Become the hero of your own life story by setting real change in motion starting now. Never forget this: you’re capable of doing great things, because the only limit, the only real limit, is you!

Further reading

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