Cindy and Alexandre: We Changed Our Lives by Working Out as a Couple with FizzUp

The FizzUp trainer could never get enough of your inspiring stories! Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Cindy and Alexandre, one couple that was driven to transform their bodies, telling you why working out as a couple with FizzUp changed their lives.


Hey, Team FizzUp! I’m Cindy, and this is my boyfriend, Alexandre. We wanted to share the experience that we had together as a couple with you. It completely changed us when we got to the other side. Alexandre and I have been together for eight years. He’s always been physically active. He’s done a variety of sports, including tennis for several years. As for me, I’ve never been that physically active. I didn’t like exercise. From the time I was in middle school until pretty recently, I was overweight, and that really took its toll on me. Then Alexandre and I met and the years flew by… He kept up with all his sports, while I kept gaining weight.

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Two years ago, we decided to leave the “normal” life behind us (including our jobs, apartment, family and friends) and move to Australia for a year. At that point in time, we were determined to take better care of our health. We did a lot of hiking and worked out hard to watch our bodies change. And it worked! Alexandre lost over 26 lb (12 kg) and I lost over 11 lb (5 kg). We spent an amazing year away, and it made us get back our body confidence. Up to that point, losing weight had seemed impossible and for the first time in my life, it became a reality. That made me truly happy! Alexandre started to build muscle and chisel the physique that he had always been dreaming of.

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Then when we went home. Not only were our friends and family back in our lives, but also home cooking! And that’s when it all went downhill! We love to eat food from home, so I gained back over 15 lb (7 kg) and Alex over 11 lb (5 kg). That really got us feeling down, but our new lifestyle didn’t push us to keep up an active routine and eat a balanced diet. So we had to do something! We said, “We need to get back into exercise!” That’s when we discovered FizzUp. How lucky were we?! We were pretty stoked to start a new fitness journey.


So, I’ve got to say that in the beginning, we were looking for a miracle solution, and didn’t think it would really work. We used the FizzUp trainer’s recommendations and tips, although we weren’t that motivated. Then, one day we got the surge of motivation we needed with when we read a FizzUp testimonial. We could see the photos of their results and couldn’t believe how fast they transformed their body. In just a few weeks, they had already started to lose weight. So I said to myself that if they could do it, so could I.

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And Alexandre was even more motivated to start his workout program and got me pumped. There are so many reasons to work out as a couple. Together, we were stronger.

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The FizzUp community has been a true source of motivated and support. Even today, we still boost each other and share our fitness stories. But during the first three months of working out, it wasn’t always easy. I had my ups and downs, but thanks to FizzUp and its staff, I’m down to a healthy weight now, which is the greatest reward, in my opinion. I lost over 26 lb (12 kg) and I’m on my way to the 28th. Now I love exercise (which I never thought was possible until now)! I’ve learned to love and listen to my body. And as for Alexandre, he lost weight and became more muscular, so now he’s even more determined to keep going! With our new bodies and mindsets, we’ve decided to move to Canada. It’s taking up a lot of our time and energy, but we’re determined to keep exercise a part of our lives and continue eating healthy. We’re more motivated than ever!

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A huge THANK YOU to FizzUp!!! We made a huge change in our lives and we couldn’t have done it without this program!

Cindy and Alexandre are still on a roll in their FizzUp adventure, just like Alexandre and Marlène. By working out as a couple with FizzUp, they’ve strengthened a bond that brings them together as they conquer their fitness goals. Now’s the time to get your partner motivated enough to do your FizzUp workout with you!

Further reading

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