Back to school is in full swing, and it’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about the good habits you should be getting into or the goals you want to set for the coming months. We know that making the grade is important to you. That’s why you’ll love these tips to help you pass your exams with flying colors. Did you know that exercise can actually boost your brain power? Move over, Einstein! Your body and mind are closely linked and need to work together so that you can have the most successful school year.
In order to have a successful school year, sharpening your memory is vital. How convenient, because exercise boosts your memory capacity and gets your brain working to the best of its ability.
Students at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States conducted a study to see how physical activity impacts memory. Subjects were divided into two groups and asked to look at a series of photos that they later had to recognize when mixed with other photos. The first group didn’t exercise between viewings, but the second group did. This experiment showed that the second group had better performance.
The study reveals that their memory improved by 10% after working out for only 20 minutes! That’s why the 20 minutes of exercise you get with FizzUp fitness training is perfect for maximizing your memory, so why not start now if you haven’t already?
Restful sleep is vital if you want to tackle your day and get the most out of it. Your brain needs sleep in order to process the information you gathered during the day. More precisely, as you sleep, the information goes to your hippocampus. This is the part of your brain that’s involved in the first steps of memorization, which then goes to the neocortex, where it’s stored.
With the power of regular physical activity, you can fight insomnia and get more restful sleep. When you work out with FizzUp three times a week, you’ll sleep peacefully so that your brain is in top shape and able to easily memorize information the next day.
Feeling good in your body and mind might not seem that important when it comes to hitting the books, but it does have a direct impact on your school year. How could it ever be easy to study when you’re unsure of yourself and feel anxiety creeping in? Think you can stay focused with all these negative thoughts in your mind? Again, exercise comes to the rescue, putting an end to stress and a lack of self-confidence.
To have a successful school year, any hard-studying student wants a clear mind that can put words or numbers on paper without any effort. And yet, having this level of concentration is one of the toughest challenges to overcome. Researchers from Dartmouth College in the United States compared the grades and the attention span in young people ages 17 to 21, trying to see how they’re linked to exercise and physical activity. The results were shocking: physically active youth can concentrate longer and had an easier time reading than others. The same subjects also did better on their exams.
When it’s easy to concentrate, it’s easy to be successful in school, so try improving your ability to focus and better grades will follow! Working out regularly makes it possible. FizzUp will help you get into healthy fitness habits by giving you weekly workouts that you can always fit into your class schedule.
Ever noticed that it’s easier to concentrate and be productive when you’re relaxed? Stress disrupts your focus and memory; that’s why relieving stress is the key to better concentration and learning. Exercise is a natural antidote for anxiety because it releases hormones such as dopamine and endorphins, which lift your spirits after a workout. With this in mind, FizzUp even includes stretches in your workouts to help completely relax your body. For 15 minutes or so, you’ll focus your mind on the different areas you want to stretch. Melt away your worries and just be one with your body. When you dedicate time to your wellness, you can hit the books again with clear mind and calm body.
One of the keys to success is your self-confidence, which can change both your writing and speaking skills for the better. Exercise is guaranteed to boost your self-confidence because it positively affects two things: your mind and body, and physical activity helps you take better care of it. The only person who has the power to change your physique, sculpt your muscles and reach your goals is YOU. With exercise, you can step up to any fitness challenge that will only supercharge your self esteem. Not to mention that dopamine and serotonin play a major role in giving you mental strength of steel. No project or exam will get you down.
Starting this September, use exercise to boost your mental strength in every way so that you can stay at the top of your game in the classroom all year long. But remember, diligence is the key to success. Follow the FizzUp trainer’s tips carefully and do your workouts according to schedule to get the most out of exercise. How could any student go without FizzUp when it will help keep your mind clear and focused for a successful school year?
If you’re a student, tell us what exercise does for you!
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