2019 is here, but has your motivation gone on hiatus? Do you keep pushing off the moment when it’s time to get off the couch, whip out your mat and actually start your workout? That’s OK, because the FizzUp trainer’s got 10 motivational phrases to give you the boost you need to get back into your routine and stick to it!
No one can decide what becomes of your life but you. We repeat, NO ONE! You’re the one who determines which direction your life will go in. If you want to change your body, the only person who can make that happen is you. You’re the master of your own fate because you deal the cards.
Let the child in you express themselves. Listen and pay attention to them. Allow yourself to play, be carefree and believe in the good. After all, age is a state of mind.
Stop putting yourself down, telling yourself that you can’t do it or that good things only ever come to everyone else. You’ve got the right to be happy and your path to making a change is never doomed to failure. Don’t see obstacles bigger than they actually are and take the time to put things into perspective.
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” — Molière
That’s right! And this doesn’t just apply to getting back into exercise or starting a physical activity. It’s about having more self-confidence. If you were able to successfully transform your body and mind, then why couldn’t you pursue that promotion or your dream job?
One stroke of luck can lead to another! OK, well it’s not actually luck… it’s just one positive event leading to even bigger and better things!
A lot of us care about what other people think, so when it comes to getting compliments because you’re noticeably working hard to make a positive change, that’s one way to pump up your self-esteem. We all project an image of ourselves to other people, but it’s up to us to decide what that image is. If you’re perceived as someone who’s brave and who strives to succeed, others will want to do the same!
“Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices.” — Jean-Paul Sartre
If you already admit defeat before the battle’s even begun, then you run a high risk of failure. Believe in yourself and take the leap! The more you do, the more you’ll develop a taste for adventure!
Achieving a better body is like Christmas or your birthday coming twice this year! And what a priceless gift it is! Hard work and determination is what will give you a new physique. A great reason to love yourself twice as much!
If you’ve been made fun of or underestimated in the past, prove those people wrong. Show them you were only a dormant volcano and that you’re ready to show them the heat! Feel the ultimate satisfaction when they see you so happy!
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot do.” — Walter Bagehot
No more hiding inside a billowy, long-sleeved frock this summer! Learn to finally live in harmony with your body, whether you’re sporting a bikini or any simple outfit. We’re talking a total life AND wardrobe change. ?
Everyone has, or will, go through tough times. Sometimes life’s hard, but you have to jump over whatever obstacles it throws at you.
You possess a determination to win so strong, it could move mountains. Remember that!
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” — Tony Robbins
Those were the FizzUp trainers top 10 motivational phrases to boost you toward success in 2019! Read them again and again whenever you’re feeling down and never be afraid to lift yourself up and carry on. It’s always better live with remorse than regrets. So don’t wait. Get out there, take chances and seize the day!
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