Not on the best of terms with your physique? Why? You might not be able to put your finger on it, but bad eating habits and the finer details can definitely have a negative impact on your weight. The FizzUp trainer gives you some nutrition tips to help you stop weight gain.
Tend to skip breakfast because you don’t have enough time in the morning? Or skip dinner because you don’t feel like cooking? Bad idea! Skipping a meal will force your body to compensate for a lack of calories the time you eat. You’ll eat more and crave unhealthy foods that are high in sugar and fat. This is how you can pack on the pounds without even realizing it, so stop skipping meals.
A lot of people have the habit of eating in front of a screen, whether it’s a TV, computer or smartphone. But remember, it’s a bad habit! Your brain isn’t aware of what you’re doing: eating. This delays the signal sent to your brain telling it that you should stop eating. You’ll consume more food than you need to. Eventually, this bad habit could cost you a bit more around your hips!
Think sleep doesn’t impact your diet? Then think again! When you lack sleep, you crave foods high in sugar. You’ll eat foods that are highly discouraged and unintentionally stimulate weight gain.
You’ll nibble a little here and a little there, then tell yourself that it’s no big deal. But if you add up everything you ate, you’ll see that it was actually a lot! A lack of sleep promotes nibbling and an increased food intake, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. Get enough sleep every night to stop paying the price for mindless nibbling.
Stress can be the cause of weight gain. It’s your body’s response as it adapts to different external stimuli coming from your environment.
There are two types of stress: good stress and bad stress. In either case, stress influences your food intake, but each one causes a different reaction. Most often, you take comfort in the fatty and sugary foods you crave, so you eat more of it. On the other hand, you might have a different reaction: stress may significantly reduce your appetite. You eat very little because you don’t have enough time or just because you don’t feel like it. No matter what your reaction, you upset your food intake and your weight changes.
So relax, get some exercise, meditate and make yourself eat a balanced diet, even if you’re having a stressful time in your life. You won’t feel better by eating just anything you want! Actually, this can make you feel even worse.
Sharing a few drinks and snacks with friends is a great reason to get together with friends, but like all good things, it should be in moderation, otherwise it can lead to weight gain.
Salty snacks and alcoholic beverages like beer, wine and cocktails are high in calories, even if you don’t realize it. So have something healthy, like fruit chips/crisps or raw vegetables. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and soda as much as possible, which are both high in sugar.
Going out to eat on a regular basis is a good way to make your life easier: you don’t need to plan out your meals ahead of time or think about what to take to work for lunch. But it’s also the best way to watch the pounds pile up. Going out to eat with friends and family can even make this tendency even worse. Sharing a meal with several other people encourages you to eat more food than usual, because you’re engaged in a conversation and stop paying attention to what’s on your plate.
When you go out to eat, you’re surrounded by temptation. You’re more likely to give in to your craving for dessert. When you’re in the company of others, this can have an influence on you when you’re eating. Be aware of what you consume to reduce your food intake. If you have to go out to eat for work, know when to say stop when you’re full, and favor balanced dishes that include a portion of vegetables, protein and starchy foods. If you manage to go out to eat less often, you’ll watch your physique quickly slim down.
Now that you have all these simple tips from the FizzUp trainer to help you stop weight gain, you know what you need to do! You’ll gradually make progress toward your goal and be pleasantly surprised to watch your excess fat melt away without much effort.
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